I am not one to question how/where/what anyone worships but recent events have caught my eye.
Some days ago i passed by neno evangelical something, situated at close to kobil on Haile sellase avn. this is the church/cash cow/cult that was in the news some time ago where the she-pastor (whats a female pastor called?)in exchange for lots of cash could 'cure' HIV only if the guys went for confirmation of the cure to clinics of her choice. The parking area of this building/tent looked like a car sales yard, with 2 hummers, several harriers & some choice german makes plus the usual toyos. I wud hav thought that for an institution that exists to uphold morals that it wud hav closed down after that scam was exposed
I saw on tv that Patnni is a preacher! suprise suprise he has followers! & they are kenyan! they seem to have forgotten that kenya is poor partly due to his gold scam!
On tv, some congregation has been praying for the ressurection of 2 of their pastors who died. Its not 1 deranged guy praying but a whole multitude!
Then some bored 'celebs' sit around & form their own church 'finger of god' why not his elbow or shoulder or hair of god? That esther chick i hear gave a disturbing interview on k24. She actually believes what she said!
My point is, what do these religious leaders give their flock that they lose all logic? I want that stuff! i need that stuff! i need to smoke it, snort it, hell, even inject it!
Imagine if u have these powers, u can command ajamaa: 'bring half of your savings to my hao + a bootle of wine & u will be blessed immensely' you could tell miss Kenya 'benny hinn has prophesied that we will marry, bring forth a kid who shall slay the 666'
You could command a guy who works at say safcom or KDN to get from their databases the phone number & snaps of the chicks who work at customer care for yourself & they will receive gods blessings'
This freedom of worship is a bitch!