The saga continues ...
This is a follow up on my post on Wednesday about my close encounters with a married woman.
So she gives me a call yesterday, to ask me how my day was. I find such calls rather odd to be honest. I think they are the preserve of couples, married or otherwise, who have to call each other everyday, hence run out of stuff to say, resorting to "how was your day". She's married so that's allowed.
Anyway, she says we can continue talking on the phone, and if it becomes a problem with her hubby, she'll tell me. I try to impress upon her that I wouldn't want it to even get to that stage but she's adamant that I need not worry and the status quo can be maintained. So much for trying to 'break it off' gently. To make matters worse, she tells me she's at her mother's place, visiting for a week. I didn't even ask. And she just happens to be staying in my neck of the woods. A disaster waiting to happen if you ask me.
However, unlike Joe Black who I met on the mara trip, I take full responsibility for my choices and actions. I typically have 2 approaches to putting some distance between me and a chic, whoever likes the other or whatever.
First, there's the 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy. If she doesn't ask anything, don't tell her anything. If she doesn't call, don't call her. If she doesn't text or email, don't be the first to. After a while, if you're lucky, she'll get fed up and frustrated with you.
Then there's the 'Shock and Awe' policy. This involves a purposeful and persistent full frontal attack. Tell her how lovely her body is. Tell her about a todo list you've drawn up for if you were ever alone with her. Hopefully, she'll resign you to the 'all other guys' pile, just after her for one thing, treating her like a piece of meat and whatever other sentiments such (mis)demeanour conjures up.
Shock and Awe is definitely not an option here, so being as plain and bland as I possibly can will probably put me in safer waters.
There is another: Its called "shuffle out". That is reserved for relationships that are going nowhere and one of the persons is being unreasonable about ending it amicably. Another condition is when the other party knows where you live.
You pack and move to the other side of town. And change your phone number.
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