Women: Can't live without them, can't shoot them
That's a quote from someone I know [I am nowhere near as witty, or bold]
Looking back at my posts ... Well I don't have to look. Basically all I write about here is about my travails with the fairer sex. I am not complaining, but just a bit frustrated at myself. There was a time when I was depressed, wishing some woman, any woman would even glance at me [and not that contemptuous glance]. I then got caught up in a cycle with my favourite flasher [who flashed me yesterday for the first time in a month], deleting her number and promising never to call, then pestering her a few days later when the loneliness checks in. Anyway, I digress.
I was at a similar point yesterday [accepting the painful fact that I'm not God's gift to women] and sauntered to work with that on my mind. Just after accepting this fact, I had a sudden urge to call the bima chic [whose number I had deleted the previous night as she'd never returned my calls or texts]. So I did. Guess what. She picked up. [I think God was trying to let me down gently]. So we chat and she's her usual bubbly self. [How I'd love to see her again] My day suddenly brightens up and I send her a text later, yesterday evening. 1 hour and no reply. My heart is aching so I give her a call. No reply. Nada. I'm back where I was the previous day. Swearing to myself never to bother her again. Today morning, once again, going off to work, thinking how wonderful it is to be a Friday and I'll be on leave for a couple of days next week. I decide to pass by the gorgeous chic's office. Say hi. Conversed for all of 2 mins, but that was enough to put a smile on my face. Tried to call the bima chic again. Still no reply. I'm back to my depressed state. The Tropez chic is also now not picking up my calls. I'm glad I don't drink or smoke, otherwise I would be in real big trouble. Now I drown my sorrows in gulps of warm soda.
What to do, what to do. The chics I fancy are distincly allergic to me, and those who I consider not attractive are the only ones who at least flash me. [I hear they get desperate when they hit 30, so it's not all lost]
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