Saturday, September 17, 2005


Today started absolutely beautifully. I called the bima chic jana and she actually picked up! Then today morning, I passed by the gorgeous chic's office and actually found her.

About mid-morning, everything changed. I got an email alerting all staff to a new 'Computer Use' policy. On checking it out, my heart sunk. I felt anguish envelop me as I read section by section.

It had been coming for a while, but like death, I didn't want to talk about it until it actually happened. The main thing in this new policy, for me at least, is that Internet use is now restricted, requiring approval for non-work activities. This is all when and good for the company, but one man's meat is another's poison. Right now, I'm not sure if I'm violating this procedure as I'm posting this from the office.

Samborera will therefore be taking a hiatus from the blogosphere. I could do the cyber cafe thing, but that is just not appealing.

Stay stong, my brothers. I will try and keep up with your exploits.



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