Saturday, September 22, 2007


when i am coming to work on satos, i always think i would be through in 2 hours. But then i end up leaving almost at midnight with enough work to spare for the whole of sunday. Such is a geek's life.
When friends and family call and you confirm that you are at work, you become the subject of mercy, or a talk show item and a prayer item. They think you have no life, you are being misused or you have no negotiation skills-when your figures are compared with others earning more and doing nah over weekends. Those guys travel to oleepolos, coast, naivasha and such places where one loses mileage (count of getting laid). On their calenders, it's marked over weekends with names such as bash, baby shower, date blab blah blah, or at least they can plan for any weekend on the year.They practically own their weekends.

Enviable life.


Blogger Samborera said...

I have worked more weekends in my current job than I wish to recount. When I was a programmer, I only worked like 2 satos and one sunday. In 2 years.

Such is life.

Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:25:00 PM  

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