The Matrix
I got to the office today sure that I was going to post something. What it was I didn't know. Still don't know.
But I guess Matrix is a good way to go. Yes, that one, with The One,
Morpheus, The Oracle, Trinity and not to be left out, one Mr. Smith.
Last night, a couple of introverts were out about town. Wait, let me
rephrase that. A couple of introverts were drinking. Three introverts to be exact, 0.5, aJamaa and yours truly Kamikaze. Nothing amazing, basically consuming liquor ,looking at a$$ pass by and bugging about our own ineptness at getting alot of a$$. Emphasis on alot, because a guy can get some. Anyways, at some point, we had consumed enough and since I was supposed to be working that very same day (it was probably already 3 am by then), we decided that was that.
But we didn't get far. A certain dude, we shall call him "He with the foul mouth, and a brain to match", had asked us to pass by a joint he was at, which had a plenty of minors. aJamaa had already tried his luck with some female, still don't know if he at least got a number, so he was game to check out a few underage girls. Okay not that way, as in under 23. Relax, I'm getting to Matrix. And if this post is all over the place, don't worry about it. I'm still high. Can't believe I actually got to the office, after getting home at 5 in the am. 0.5 and aJamaa should still be asleep right now. Hate those guys.
Anyways, we check in, have a sit, order a pint each then get to discussing movies. I mean, what else do we discuss? How did it start? I think there was a Van Damme movie showing on some of the Tellies. I proclaimed I'd never seen it before, Foul-Mouth was perplexed, 0.5 took one look and thought it was a Bruce Willis movie (it was close to 4 am, the eyes see, brain has stopped thinking, confusion). I think we talked about Kill Bill and Pai Mei's 5 point heart exploding technique (don't you just love that word technique? - it shows a guy knows what he's doing). Oh yeah, we got to Pai Mei cause we were trying to find the Baddest Bad Guy in movies. Nominees: Nicholas Cage/John Travolta in Face Off (that was aJamaa's), Pai Mei (0.5), Marwan of 24 season 4 (Foul Mouth, seconded by myself), Theodore Bagwell from Prison Break (aka T-Bag - collabo between 0.5 and Kamikaze). Then we got sidetracked when someone (was it aJamaa?) mentioned Mr. Smith.
We are all in agreement, I think, when I say that Matrix, the first one, was brilliance. I lack the diction to explain this. An amazing movie? Definitely. But that does not define it. I mean, the movie just starts and you see Trinity floating the air, defying gravity in such an inexplicable manner, jumping, sorry flying, from one building to the next.
At some point Foul-Mouth vowed that there was a time he knew the entire movie word for word. I don't doubt him. I think I almost could, or tried. Watched the movie at least 5 times. First time I didn't get it. Second time it started making "sense". Third time was just affirmation of its brilliance. 4th time was just another hit off the pipe - was already hooked. 5th was abuse. And I'll do it again.
Mr. Smith: Suave? (What does that word mean?) Slow talking, fastest moving guy on the face of the earth. "Miissterr Annderssonn, (pause) you (slight pause) diss-a-ppoint me. What good is a phone-call (slight pause) if-you-can't ssspeeeak?".
Morpheus: "Why did I beat you? Is it because I am faster? Stronger? You think any of that matters in here? You think that is air you are breathing right now? (Turns his back on Neo, walks a few paces and without turning...) Again".
The Oracle: "Don't worry about the Vase." Neo goes like "What Vase?" Turns to look for it and sends it crashing to the floor. "That Vase". I think somewhere in that dialog The Oracle asks Neo what he thinks would have happened had she not told him about the Vase.
Trinity: "...I am not afraid anymore. You see when I met The Oracle, she told me that I would fall in love with The One. So you can't be dead Neo, because I love you (long kiss) Now get up!".
Neo: I don't know what to say. Memorable quotes? All I see in my mind right now is him stopping bullets, seeing stuff in binary, green ones and zeros. Kicking Sentinel a$$ (were they called sentinels or were sentinels those machines that rip apart any moving thing?).
Anyways, the party broke up later, each of us fading into the darkness of early morning.
I still think we could have gotten a better list of Baddest Bad Guys, if it were abit earlier. I think Darth Vader got in there somewhere. But I think he's just scary. I don't think we were looking for a villain, rather, we were looking for a twisted guy, tormenting guys, not just going about hacking guys to death. Or what was our aim? Is there a difference? Bad Guy and Villain? I must be crazy, don't think there is a difference. New Entrant: Anthony Hopkins - Silence Of The Lambs; Bad Guy. aJamaa had also proposed that dude in usual suspects (I can't spell the name - Kaiser?) I'll
go look for bad guys.
Next post - Must have movies in your collection.
Okay, you can go ahead and start that one without me.
And now, I have said enough cr@p <mailto:cr@p> in one post. I am still awake. One more hour and I am out of here. Working on Saturday should be outlawed. It is a crime against humanity.
The first time I saw the Matrix, I didn't get it either. 2nd time around it got more interesting; guess I didn't really get it coz I didn't watch it again.
Kill Bill is the most gruesome movie I like.
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