Monday, September 11, 2006

Times a wasting

Life is what happens between birth and death. If this statement is true then it must be true that life is time. I have been getting concerned about how much time and consequently how much of my life I am wasting. But, considering that I believe that life is nothing, and all the things I do with life are 'chasing after the wind' then this is not really a big problem.

This is how I waste time.

I procastinate a lot. In my mind there is no use in doing something now if you can do it later. But it does make sense to postponed stuff, what is the use of doing something now that may not have to been done after all since it is overtaken by events.

Running around aimlessly
Samborera, do you remember, advicing me to leave my keys in the same place so that I do not have to look for them every morning? Four years down I still have to spend a few moments every morning looking for my keys, socks, hanky, wallet, bag e.t.c before I leave the house. Its quite possible that I waste up to one day a year looking for stuff that does not need looking for.

Sixth and seventh beer
On a typical Saturday evening, I will pynt until 1 or 2 am. As a result I end up suffering serious fatigue the whole of Sunday. I continue to do this all the time knowing that there is little benefit in having more than five pynts. By the time I am on my sixth pynt, finishing the beer becomes an end in itself, I am already drunk (incidentally at some stage this stopped being a good thing) and tired. But I continuously find myself on my seventh or eighth beer. I would be doing much better if I checked into the pub at around 3 or 4 and left by 11 pm. If I did this I could do something other than suffer all of Sunday.

Refusing to move
When my alarm goes off in the morning, I lie in bed and refuse to move for 2 - 3 minutes trying to find a reason not to go to work. I have done this for the last 3 years without success. I can never find a good reason no to wake up.

On some evenings I find myself stuck infront of the telly watching some crap program instead of going to bed early. So I just seat there and refuse to move.

Refusing to plan
One of the reasons I like you introverteds so much is that I can call you up on Friday at 8 p.m. and arrange to meet at a pub in the course of the evening. No warning is required. I have been known to call a guy up on Friday evening to ask him to host a nyama choma thing at his house the following day. I guess this is why some chiks have refused to go out with me. They do not see how a guy who calls them up on Saturday at 10 am to ask for a lunch date can really be serious about them.

If I could sort the above out then I could have time to do the things I really like doing.


Blogger Samborera said...

I bet I'd beat you at a procrastination contest, although my reasons are slightly less scientific. I think I'm just a tad lazy.

The only reason I don't run around aimlessly is because I go into a real panic when I can't find my keys that I left at that spot on the desk. I must have left them there because it's the only place I leave them. And if indeed they aren't there, then I'm done.

I gave up on the whole idea of beer because my body just couldn't handle it. My perpetual bucket moments early on should have made me realise this.

I spend a lot of my time sleeping, and I figure I don't move about much and planning is something I've never known how to do.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:30:00 AM  
Blogger 0.5 said...

Yet aJamaa seems collected and has it all together.
You would be formidable, then, if you could sort that stuff out.

On my sixth beer, my head really aches and forces me to go home. Growing old.

As for waking up, TD is the luckiest man. He reports to work at 1pm!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:58:00 AM  
Blogger aJamaa said...

I bet TD still gets a little late or finds himself rushing there to make it in time.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:00:00 AM  

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