Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My face is up here [upward facing arrow]

That message was written in bold-and red, across the front side of a t-shirt won by a girl. How is that for Good Morning?

I do not know what sex means to women, but to most men it is a fulfillment of first, a physical attraction. However, when women decide to make you lucky, most probably they will have arrived at an important decision about you. Based on the circumstances, you will have been scrutinized, checked, vetted and confirmed to fit a certain bill.

Once you hit that chic, there is no easy way out. Accept it gentlemen, the one-night-stand world that we see in James Bond movies where good-looking-intelligent-independent career women screw their opposite number purely for fun is not here yet. That day has not dawned. This is the one lesson which equality has annoyingly refused to teach women. Or women have refused to learn it. They still insist on subscribing to the old school rules of romance.
Wake up people. Detach and have fun!

Vote, Mister.
Colonel TD was subjected to a vote last Saturday. They came, they sat on his couch, they asked him to choose the one to go and the one to remain. I would have paid 5 big hundreds to see the look on the man's face.
TD pointed at one and said: "she is my wife" ....shifting finger ..."you can go".
If you are going to play don't show them your digs. Unless of course you are Harry Houdini and can make one (or the other) disappear.

I have met a good number of these. I have the un-enviable position of being alone while other men are in the company of beautiful women. Some women have the unfortunate habit of bringing their girlfriends along to dates where only they have been invited.
So usually, I get a call that goes: 0.5, I have 2 women here. Please come and provide some distraction.
This is very noble duty considering that the subject to be kept busy could turn out to be very unsavoury.
But my my haven't I been lucky.
There was 2Cute. My mind went blank for five minutes after I first laid my eyes on her. Then there is Cute2. Don't ask. Sambs' friend's friend who rode me like a horse in Choices (no no no not like that). The Brownie/Joan combination (that one we uckedf up). Kamikaze could have paid five large ones to make the switch. He he! Damn! Then TDs girlfriends (and their friends) who do unmentionable stuff right in the open. Hollaaaaaaaa! Gives a whole new meaning to 'not afraid of the dark' or rather, light.

Meet TD.
(seeing that the guy is featuring a lot in my posts)
Cool guy, little talk and more action is his mantra, 26 therebouts, couldn't be bothered about blogging, same class at University for 4 years (where he was mostly absent).
How is that for detail!

Whats with all this excitement about Barrack Obama's coming to Kenya? Don't people have stuff to do? Waiting for salvation to land on the airport tarmac along with Mr Obama's plane? I don't know whether to be sad or angry, but I think as Kenyans we are cursed with a hopeless, misplaced optimism. The circus is going to be spectacular. I will tune out of the press for a few days.

I have been invited to a wedding committee. Again. The first time was in May. I will send a large donation and that will be the end of the matter. I have poor organization skills anyways.

Tomorrow's Wednesday. The miserable week is almost over. Sayonara. I am incredibly bored.


Blogger aJamaa said...

Looks like you and TD have been up to lots of mischief. Comparatively, my life is extremely boring. Let me know the next time you need a guy to watch the other chik.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:58:00 PM  

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