Friday, August 04, 2006


The alarm goes off. It can't be morning already. You're still sleepy. You scramble to find the phone, and be careful to press the button to set snooze on. 6 minutes later, you do the same thing. Another 6 minutes. You know it's now or never. You roll out of bed and proceed to do an elaborate dance with sufurias, jugs and mitungis. Water doesn't flow in taps, or showers. You go back to bed, turning off all the lights you'd put on. You lie down and hope not too sleep too long. Time check. You have another 5 minutes. Another time check. This is it. Time moves at an incredible pace in the early morning. You get through with the shower, dress and dash out into the cold.

You check yahoo mail, a few blogs for new posts, reply to her email and before you know it it's 8 already. You switch to office/work mode. To deal with all sorts of requests, all urgent. You understand how the headless chicken feels, not knowing which way to go or what to do. Doing a little of this and a little of that, and not doing anything in the end. Somehow, you survive the day. It's home time.

You walk to the stage, talking to yourself on the way there, visualising the code you could have written/you'll write tomorrow. You get home, get into your shorts and t-shirt and get into bed. After putting on the radio for some sunset, easy going music as you attempt to wind down and medidate. Before you know it, it's 8 o'clock and you need to present yourself for supper, before you get summoned. After some brief utterances over supper, you're back in bed. The fatigue helps you go out without much fuss.

Monday to Friday.

You wake up on Sato morning and realise it's a saturday. The sun is up already so it can't be a working day. You don't have to wake up, but you have miscellaneous errands to run. You haven't been to church in ages but convince yourself that you'll stay at home and meditate on God and read a bit of the scriptures to keep you in tune. Do good intentions count for anything. You dash to town and back, just in time to get back into bed for the meditation you'd promised. You fall asleep somewhere at the beginning and wake up later in the evening. You debate whether you should stay in or not, but at some point the programming on TV convinces you to make a dash for it, under the unapproving looks from your mum. You spend the night contemplating the futility of life, in between a bit of dancing. It seems like you were the only one who was a teen in '95 as you're the only one singing along to the old skool playing.

You head for home when you're chased away from the club. You hope you don't run into anyone you know who may be making their way to church. You sneak back home and into bed, not wanting the awkwardness of meeting your mum at the door. You are absolutely spent. You don't know why you punish your body so. You wake up at 1, just long enough to look for something to eat and head back to your bed. You do spend a lot of time there. It's 7pm already. You need to get up so that you cheat your body later at 10pm that you've been awake the whole day. Otherwise you'll end up waking up at 2 and tossing, turning and cursing until day break.

The alarm goes off. It can't be morning already. You're still sleepy. You scramble to find the phone, and be careful to press the button to set snooze on.


Blogger aJamaa said...

Who is this her that you have to write an e-mail to? Nione kando useme vizuri.

Its nice to see I am not the only person who still gets into shorts and t-shirts as soon as I get into the house. But I find myself wondering how long it will be acceptable to do this? As I get older, rounder and my legs get more hairy I might start scaring away visitors. And I am finding it hard to get the kind of shorts I want. Actually, I cant find the kind of stuff I want anymore. Went looking for shoes a few weeks back and all I could get were some Lawman and North star looking shoes. It may be OK for some young chap to wear some of those shoes but for a guy like me who wore them during my childhood it feels wrong.

You must love your life. You continuously choose to live this way. What would you rather be doing?

At the very least you are not hurting anyone.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:40:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

wangu - There goes that then. And to think my whole life has been about good intentions...

ajamaa - You always notice these things. At least she replies so the least I can do is reply back.

My bro also walks around the house in shorts. Well, maybe not walking around exactly but wearing shorts seems to be acceptable, even at middle-age. I've tried jogging around the neighbourhood on occassion and I get amused by people who wear suits, albeit of the track variety, ostensibly in an effort to hide their legs, and/or stomachs. When I'm panting away the last thing on my mind is what x thinks of me. Then again, if your legs get any more hairy...

I have to fight the urge to lol when I see kids wearing 'old skool' shoes and feel really hot. Like you, I could dig up a couple in my closet.

True, I've had this kind of routine most of my adult life. I think the phrase was 'resistance to change'.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:39:00 AM  

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