Thursday, April 20, 2006

The F word

I've seen numerous scenes on TV where a couple is breaking up and one party declares something like "let's be friends". Some things should not be said. What does that even mean. Weren't they friends before. Well, friend does indeed take a whole other meaning when applied to the context of a couple. It means no kind of physical relationship whatever. I find it difficult to be friends with a chic. If I'm talking to a chic, I fancy her at some level. Of course I happen to believe all women are beautiful, so I end up talking to any and all chics who'll stand me. Not that I want to jump their bones necessarily, but it's definitely no the same as the way I would talk to other Introverts for instance. Sometimes I'll pretend that I'm 'just a friend' and play that part. Sometimes, this charade is too painful and I distance myself for my own good. The bottom line is that once again I have to suppress my instincts. No more asking what she's wearing. Staying quiet when she says she's just about to jump into the shower. I guess that's what friends do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!Nice blog!As for that ljbf (let's just be friends) crap I just dont bother if I know it wont work.Yes there will be respect but friends?Uh uh!Or as a pal of mine once told a chic, "no thank you, I have enough friends as it is!"

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:15:00 PM  
Blogger aJamaa said...

I also cant just be friends with a chik. I dont even pretend too anymore. If its clear we cant be intimate anymore, then its a done deal. I delete your number and you hit the road. I have jamaas for friends. The only chiks I have ever pretended to be friends with are those that I hoped to sleep with at some point.

Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:35:00 PM  
Blogger Prousette said...

So sad really that men and women cannot be friends no matter how hard they try. I think tho that it is possible but not after a break up.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:29:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

Prou - I'd vowed to try it when I wrote this post, but have since given up. I made a couple of 'friends' this week but couldn't stop myself from mentioning threesomes and the like.

Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:49:00 AM  

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