Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why wouldn't I

I got another number from a chic at work on Thursday last week. Just one of those things. You are talking with someone then the conversation ends as you both need to go home. Then you blurt out something like "talk to you later" only to realise that this would need you to exchange numbers. Conditioned reflex.

Anyway, we got talking over the weekend. SMSing actually. It's a lot easier to flirt via sms. At some point I told her that I had a terminal case of commitment phobia, to which she responded. "Why wouldn't you want to be someone's man?". That statement really floored me. I'd never heard this notion put like that before. The usual reasons exist; I'm not rich enough. Inevitable break ups and drama. Not being able to watch weekend football without giving excuses or feeling guilty. Just being absolutely terrified. I'm reminded of aJamaa's lamentation at the sheer unfairness of a man being restricted to having only one woman. The list is endless.

It's probably the way she put it that made me consider that prospect. I've seen that look where a woman looks up at a/her man with a certain je ne sais quoi. I really je ne sais quoi. I'd like to be that guy getting that look.


Blogger aJamaa said...

Now that you have sneaked in something that had been troubling my mind for a while I need share some thoughts I have been having on the matter of how unfair it is to tell a jamaa he can only have one woman.

The problem
Maybe I should start by explaining the problem as I see it. It is absurd to tell a jamaa he can only have one chik when there are so many women who are all so hot and none of them provides the total package. Sometimes a jamaa wants a tall chik while at other times a short chik is just perfect. Sometimes an ample burst looks inviting while other times a small one looks cute. Sometimes a guy wants a chik who is easy on the eye other times a chik who can stimulate his mind. Sometime s a light one other times a dark one. Some of this attributes are mutually exclusive so there is no way a jamaa can find them all in one person.

Beer and choice
The diversity of women is similar to that of alcohol. I have taken Tusker for around 8 years now and will continue to take Tusker for as long as I can. This is despite the fact that I know a brandy and coke are sweeter than coke are sweeter and that a white cap is probably a better beer since I understand the master brewers at EABL have more time to let it mature. A White cap light might even be better because it gives a lesser hangi

The reason I will perch my self on a bar stool at the counter and after scanning the variety of drinks behind the bar man happily order a Tusker is that I am scared that if I order something else that is sweeter, smoother, has a higher alcohol content or is less likely to coz me a hangi I will take the first sip and immediately start wishing I had ordered a Tusker. Now I do not want to spend 30 minutes taking a drink wishing that it was a Tusker.

The point I am trying to make Sam is that if a guy meets the right chik he will happily stay away from all other women because he will be scared that if he will be wishing he is having his 'Tusker' whenever he is with another woman.

Only problem with this theory is that it is based on fear which is not the purest of emotions. Secondly, what if a guy never finds a Tusker or finds a Tusker but then later in life want to switch to White Cup light.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:12:00 PM  
Blogger Bee said...

uhhhh? I don't really know what to say as I wouldn't want to marry a man who later on decided that they want to switch to something else.. I'm hoping monogomous men really do exist and aren't fake like dinosaurs. Why can't a jamaa's be happy just looking at other women (not touching) and then going home to the loves of their lives? I mean it works for many women

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:49:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

KG - You have been in a 'commited/exlusive' relationship before. Was[Were] that[those] guy[s] not monogamous. This sounds to me like a case of 'there are no good men'.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:25:00 AM  

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