Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The interview

What a load of crap! Crap on top of more crap! What nonsense. fdlsf f#%$#% #^#@^%*!

Ok. Let me catch my breath. I haven't done an interview of any sort in over 2 years. Before today, I hadn't done an exam in just about 3 years.

So I wake up early today morning. No sleep. Butterflies all over the place. I was there a whole half hour early so I had a bit of a chance to check out the place. First thing that struck me is the security before you get in. They actually have some sort of a computerised system, where they actually enter some stuff. There's even a print out which you then carry along! The place seemed rather sterile, with everyone wearing dog tags which they use to open doors. At least people weren't walking around in suits. The only guys who had ties on were the sort of guys who'd wear a tie to bed.

I'm ushered into a small ka-conference room and told to "position myself". There are like 10 seats there and a bit of apprehension sets in. On the whiteboard are drawings of things like logic gates and funny scribbled things. If I'm going to be asked to explain the stuff on there, I'm sunk. After a while, my lady host ushers in some 2 guys. I look up from my near slumber and notice that they have visitors tags on, same as me. Apparently, 5 guys will be taking the interview today. It's going to be one big party. After another brief pause, we are brought for exam papers. Honest. They look like exam papers, they have questions in there which we are apparently meant to answer, there are instructions on the first page, and we have 1 hour. I thought of walking out in protest, but only made it to the gents, where I composed myself and walked back.

Have you seem those ads for IQ tests where you have a funny series of shapes and are asked to chose the next one? That was section one. My blood was boiling, and as those who've done exams with me may know, I tend to speak out my frustrations. Mumble them even. I went on to other similarly silly sections where I had to do a range of things from choosing the closest meaning of words like capricious, to doing some silly math questions. [Incidentally, I've just realised I got the capricious question wrong]. I hate all sorts of aptitude tests. As it is, I happen to do rather well in exams. I'm not sure how or why. Someone should have told them that.

After an hour of hurling curses and abuses at the poor exam paper infront of me, we had a brief chat with the manage who is actually looking to recrui one of us. There'll be a second interview for those who happen to be good with shapes and colours, sometime next week. We should know by the end of this week. One thing I won't be doing if I get the call will be wearing a tie. I'll also refuse to answer any more silly questions.

Let me leave this post at that. I'm at the cyber from hell. They don't have the browser I like, and pages are taking forever to be rendered. The space key is also in two parts, with the left part acting as a backspace! Honest!

Thanks to Athena for the good wishes, but by the time you sent that text, my phone was already off, and I was contemplating the choice with the closest meaning to satellite.


Blogger Bee said...

All the best Sambs! I tried one of those IQ tests and it reminded me why I quit sciences (maths included) after KCSE. I can't wait to hear the results and about how the next stage goes :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:19:00 PM  
Blogger Athena said...

So much for reading about Oracle Financials!
They are such punks!

Friday, January 27, 2006 2:55:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

They said the'd get back to us by Friday [yesterday]. I literally spent 3 days waiting for their call. Nothing. I'm really getting fed up with guys not having the courtesy of not giving you a timely response to a job application. More so after my
experience with Microsoft

Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:32:00 AM  

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