Chapter 3: Phone calls in the office
I got a phone call in the office today morning. Now, I rarely ever get calls at work. I don't think I've ever given anyone our office number. There are a couple of times my namesake at work has gotten a phone call and I've been called by mistake. That's as close as I come to receiving phone calls.
As I was settling in to jobo today morning, at like 0940, a colleague signals in my general direction about someone having a phone call. [We only have the one phone in the office. No desk-side extensions here] I have my ear phones on, as every programmer should, and since my lip reading skills are a bit inadequate, I'm not sure who she's talking about. I chuck my headphones and point to the guy sitted behind me, seeing as she's pointing in my general direction. I know I'm not the one, and I could swear I heard her say this other guys name. She shakes her head violently, insisting I'm the guy she's talking about. I quickly scan my memory for any possible suspects for this most unusual occurrence. I draw a blank.
"Hello?", I go cautiously. It's a chic's voice on the other end of the line. She says hi and whatnot. My mind is doing some speech synthesis, but I still have no idea who I'm talking to. Plus, either the volume on this thing is really low, or she's whispering. My hearing, like my eyesight, has never been the best anyway.
It's her. I managed to go through the whole weekend without calling her. Thinking about her even. Yup. It's the married chic, who I can't flirt with, and it's very difficult talking to a chic if you aren't flirting. What would you talk about? We exchange stories about the weekend, for what seemed like an eternity. The conversation just kept going on and on. I finally asked how come she's staying over with her mum. She's kind of apart from the hubby right now. Issues.
As I was writing this, she called again. This time I figured it must be her. Somewhere along the conversation, I found myself asking to meet her. She was taken a bit by surprise. "You want to meet me so soon?", she asks. I can tell she's a tad uncomfortable. Confused at least. I guess she underestimated me. I have been known to be a stubborn guy, and to insist on stuff. It's a good thing I don't have a private office because I would have ended up saying some things I shouldn't have, had my workmates not been sitting there listening to my every word.
So. When the clock strikes 6, I'll be out of here like a flash. We'll be meeting at psys. You can come and be a chaperone. So much for Don't ask, don't tell.
Are you seeing them? Blazing red lights, psychedelic, revolving like the biblical swords of fire guarding the garden of eden after the exit of Adam and Eve.
Can't wait for tomorrows update.
As Rodrigues says, you have started down that slippery slope...
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