Friday, March 17, 2006

Grab an umbrella, man.

There is a new fad in town. That fad is called male-bashing.

Sure, we have been doing it for centuries. And perhaps we deserve it. But personally, I will take off the head the next woman who will come screaming to me about how useless men are. I don't mind if women discuss men during those girl parties; It is when someone insists on telling it to my face that my sex, and fellow brethren are useless.
It does not help when these torrents are unasked for. I mean, its not like I walk upto a woman and ask: Are men useless?
You will be discussing something very inane, like for example the frequent blackouts in a certain area of Nairobi, and voila, the topic rears its ugly head.

And don't they get graphic!
You will hear of people, sorry, men, who had sex for the whole of three seconds and then went out like a light.
Sordid details about personal habits men have.
We are constantly accused of a mean streak. Don't buy enough of this or that.
Men are incapable of telling the truth....the list is endless.

The available choices in the mode of delivery, leave nothing to be desired. This phenomenon is in print, big screen, small screen, unholy gatherings of women loudly bad-mouthing guys and the guys being within earshot, and the classic one where the women will confront the very source of the problem; Go to men directly and b*ch about it.

If you have some beef with a man, don't take it out on the entire population of men. Splitting a guy's head open with a metal bar for example, will do just fine. At work, you will get irritable female bosses, baring teeth and contorting their mouth into a horrible rictus in the face of a small inconvenience, like the poor boke whose report is an hour late. Just because of some domestic beef with the husband.
There will always be friction in the relationships between men and women. If a man can quarrel with his mother or sister, and a woman with the father and brother, then can you begin to imagine how gross the conflict can get if the other party is just another pedestrian?

There is a solution to the problem: Avoid all men. That way you save yourself the anguish that men are known to bring. Which brings me to my other point. The hypocrisy.
You will endure a one hour tirade about a certain man breaking the girl's heart. She will make oaths, stop short of writing them down in blood and chant in furious determination. In the evening the man will show up. He will butter her up, and she will go for an 'out' with him. The next day she will be giddied up, smiling like a druggie. She not only forgave him, but screwed him.
Worse, the bloke might be the arrogant kind. While the woman is in a huff, sobbing and depressed, he is off with another woman. After about a week devoid of phone calls from him, she will go to him, apologize to him for his mistakes, forgive him, promise him that she will not repeat his mistakes again and then screw him.
I admire this amazing capacity in women to quickly forgive and forget transgressions which 24 hours earlier were of a magnitude of 9.6 on the Richter scale.

Or do they? Forgive and forget I mean. I have heard stories about how you can be reminded by your girlfriend of tiny mistakes you did seven years ago.


Blogger Girl in the Meadow said...

I see Ajamaas input there.

Friday, March 17, 2006 1:49:00 PM  
Blogger Girl in the Meadow said...

Blame it on media and other galfriends my dear. High expectations will always be there. Imagine without that vibe, life would be boring!

Friday, March 17, 2006 1:52:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

The hypocrasy is what gets to me. Like die hard feminist man-haters having boyfriends and getting married and stuff.

Friday, March 17, 2006 2:10:00 PM  
Blogger Kamikaze said...

All I say is, keep it minimal. A max of two weeks (a friend of mine and myself did some research on this) and then people part ways is okay. The shorter the better (I'm talking hours). That way notions of murder are avoided.

Friday, March 17, 2006 3:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this blog. i like not-knowing whose post I'm reading till I get to the bottom. Brilliant!

LOL @ Kamikaze's comment.

Monday, March 20, 2006 9:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read this blog for ages, shamed of my vouyerism and ashamed to comment, but I had to come back and say something.

After about a week devoid of phone calls from him, she will go to him, apologize to him for his mistakes, forgive him, promise him that she will not repeat his mistakes again and then screw him.

LOL so true

You guys amaze me, amazingly. I love this blog tremendously

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:03:00 AM  
Blogger Samborera said...

I like voyeurism. Voyeurism is not something to be ashamed of. Long live voyeurism.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:52:00 AM  

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