Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Round 2: The verdict

I ironed a trouser yesterday for the first time in about 2 years.

Anyway. My 2nd interview at Celtel was OK. I still felt nervous in the hours preceding it. I used to have a certain sang-froid when it came to such things. I don't know where that went. I didn't go in too early this time and managed to get to the IT department just 10 mins to time. Everyone in the building was wearing some brand new promotional T-shirts with the slogan "Switch. Ufurahie". I guess they wanted me to switch from Safaricom.

Again, this one didn't exactly follow my expectations. There were no technical questions. Not a one. The closest was "Which programming languages do you know?", and that came right at the end, after I'd had to answer all sorts of questions. Some that come to mind:

1. What do you know about Celtel? [Ummmm....]
2. Do you know the name of the CEO? [What does it matter!]
3. Are you currently working or are you idling [I don't take the "are you idling" phrase very kindly]
4. How many hours a day can you work? [Because you intend me to work for how long...]
5. Tell us about yourself? [What. How many sisters I have? The last time I had sex? Can you be more specific?]
6. What are your weaknesses? [Umm....]
7. What are your weaknesses? [I really stuggled with this one, and they kept asking it!]
8. What is success? [The definition?]
9. Why us and not Safaricom? [I also sent an application to Safaricom. :-))]

So. I probably need to go for more interviews. I'm definitely not too good at this kind of thing. And to think I just want to write code.

The verdict: I said all the things that would make me fail but I hope they can see past all that. I'll know one way or the other by the end of next week.


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