Round 4 - I'm not the first
The chronicles of my encounters with one of the most beautiful women I've laid my eyes on in a long while continue.
In Round 4, it was time to ease up a bit. I am not one to just sit and wait for 3 days to call [or whatever the rule book says]. She gave me her business card so I gave her a call this lunch hour.
Mmmm... The same reassured, unafraid voice. I mumbled about, as I do a lot in this kind of situations, laughing as I go along. [I find it real hard to put a serious tone, even though I know sometimes that's what will be considered appealing]. I couldn't ask her out, again. I've already done that twice, once for lunch and once for 'after work', and the results are chronicled here. A bit of small talk about work, and that was it. No real eagerness on the other end of the line, which I always sense for.
Apparently I'm not the only raving mad lunatic walking this town. She confesses that she's been stopped a number of times. No details on what my fellow potential future mathare colleagues said to her. That's for another day. There WILL be another day.
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