Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I won't even start bashing Admins of any sort, so this is not that kind of post. I think someboy said "Different strokes for different folks". That conjures up some really hot, scandalous imagery for those of us who live in the gutter, but it's principle holds true, irrespective of the context to which it's applied. [I still have a movie going on in my head with lots of girations so I think I'll stop here and say this. Some of us like pain; so we write code for a living]. Having said that, I wouldn't want to be any sort of Admin when Exchange servers die, mail gets lost or some other similar crisis shows up, as it will [good ol Murphy's law]

If you can get to do stuff that you enjoy and get paid for it, you need to do a serious Macarena when you get to work [The only reason I don't is that I don't want to be shipped off to the looney bin so sometimes I try to act 'normal'. Normal is boring]

So do your thing, whatever it is. Want to do MCSE, MCSD, MCSC, MCSB or MCSA? Go right ahead.


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