Saturday, January 03, 2009

Now that I cannot drink

It started about two years ago. I used to be a guy who could enjoy his pint on Friday and/or Sato night and still be able to have a productive day. Then all of a sudden I started getting some really nasty hangis. I recall vividly this one weekend when after a Friday night of hard drinking (can one really dring beer hard?) I was relegated to lying on the couch nursing a nasty hangi for the rest of the weekend. Just an year earlier I could go to class on Sato morning, check into Choices at around 4 with students scripts, chase tail drink merrily and make my way home at around 4 so that I could get into bed early enough to make the 11pm mass followed by some marking in the afternoon. I am not sure what happened to me but the thought and pain of wasting a day or a weekend just so that I could drink for 2 or 3 more hours was not acceptable so I was forced to change. I started drinking a little less, less often.

The fact that I have found an answer to the proverbial question "What do you do on a Friday or Sato night if you are not drinking" was answered. I discovered the physical pleasure of spending a Sato morning in the gym and the joy of going through a two hour work out followed by some alone time in the steam bath. I also discovered the joy of waking up on Sunday morning without a hangi to do nothing but go to church and read the paper.

As if hangis were not a sufficient impediment to my drinking habits, sleep has now become another. Since a month or two ago I have started sleeping in pubs. It works like clock work give me 2 pynts and I start dozing, by the 4th I am struggling to keep my eyes open. At this rate I may have to stop drinking completely and unfortunately over the years I have picked up interests that can easily take the vacuum left by the drinks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

drinking after gym... sounds to me like yu trying to paint a cat!

Monday, January 05, 2009 5:47:00 AM  

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