Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Real time blogging

One of the symptoms in the "You know you're addicted to blogging when..." series is that you think of everything in terms of a blog entry. As an event happens, you see yourself blogging about it. I even go to the extent of writing the post in my head.

This got me thinking, of how it would be if my mind was connected to the blogosphere and every one of these times when a post forms in my head, it's relayed in real time, perhaps to this blog. I'm into sci-fi stuff so the idea is really exciting, but apart from the tech-appeal, it would be interesting, for me also, to see the outcome of such real time blogging. I'd probably come out as a slightly insane perv with myriads of issues. Wouldn't be much of a surprise then.


Blogger aJamaa said...

If one could not control which thoughts ended up in the blog then real time blogging would be a scary thing. I for one would not want to peep into your loonie mind. I expect that at some point in my life time, and I dont expect to leave past 40, HCI will get to that level where you can capture stuff into an electronic device by just willing it.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:50:00 PM  
Blogger Uaridi said...

Virtual blogging - now that's an idea. I find myself thinking - I should blog about that. What a life

Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:45:00 AM  

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