Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I am seething mad. I have a colleague, who out of sheer condescesion, asked me to STOP what I was doing, and look for a 3DES Active X dll on the Internet for him. I could not speak for 10 minutes straight.
When he asked me where the dll is, I exploded. Alas, we got into an argument about the relative importance of our assignments (his, is "apparently" supposed to be superior because of experience blah blah blah). I was having none of that nonsense. As a human being, I deserve a certain amount of respect. I have a full degree in Computer Science, just like everybody else. I am a programmer, as qualified as everyone else, does not matter that I am not paid as much. To tell me, no, to order me, to look for a dll?


Blogger Samborera said...

One thing I've realised [from my own experiences] is that guys who are averse to googling aren't real programmers. I have gotten kudos here at work because of something I figured or got from google. It's no magic. I think some of us learnt these skills the hard way. Googling can be excrutiatingly painful, and it's a skill that comes with experience. No short cuts.

So. Now you know. You are not a programmer like everyone else. There are some guys out there who 'claim' to be programmers but anyone who can't look for a dll shouldn't fool himself that he's one.

Monday, November 07, 2005 5:23:00 PM  

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