Platonic shmatonic
During my gap week, I spent quite a bit of time contemplating. Now, boy-girl issues didn't escape this scrutiny of self, and after a chic pal of mine smsed me telling me how she's been dumped and how I'll always be her friend, and so on and so forth, I took some time to consider this.
Can a boy and a girl be 'just friends' or platonic friends. I just looked up platonic on and this is the relevant definition given:
Transcending physical desire and tending toward the purely spiritual or ideal
Now ... what can I say. Need I say anything even?
If the chic in question is not hot [yaani you don't really fancy her], perhaps this kind of relationship would be possible. However, you would typically not go out of your way to vibe the said chic, and would in extreme cases avoid her. If you vibe a chic, as would be expected of a friend, odds are you find her attractive, and wouldn't mind taking her home if she happened to be a little inebriated [Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol]. Don't you just love
Last Thursday evening [Idd eve], one of my 'friends' [from chiromo] who hails in my general neighbourbood [and in 0.5's immediate neighbourhood] told me we could do something that evening. [I'd been prodding away and have asked to spend the night at her place numerous times. You know how it is ... you say all sorts of things hoping to get lucky, or she'll slip up one day and say yes]. Anyway, I was depressed and didn't fancy going out, but I picked myself off my bed, sprayed on some perfume, and off I went.
I fika her place, then she starts telling me how she's tired and doesn't fancy going out after all. I just sat there thinking "What the hell am I doing? What's all this for?" Why do I spend so much time and energy on such things. In half an hour, I was back at home, to some hesitant looks. I'd just left the house less than an hour earlier, refusing to eat supper, in the name of 'going out'. I called up 0.5, who was apparently at Ibiza with some guy(s), but at that point, I wasn't in the mood for anything.
My conclusion on the matter is thus: In my present mental [and physical] state, I am incapable of being 'friends' with a chic. I will thus keep away from such relationships for everyone's sakes. No misunderstandings, no emotional drain. All I need is some champions league to watch, or look forward to watching, and I'll be alright.
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