Thoughts of quitting
The environment at work hasn't been the best of late. I've lamented and whined and for a while there, I'd stopped all that silliness. I'd decided to put up or shut up. More like put up.
So we [programmers] get called for a meeting today morning. Apparently some of us haven't been serious. We've just been surfing and not working. If we don't want to work we should say as much and we'll get yanked from the team. I just sat there thinking, "he's talking about me". Ok. There's a company rule that says we should only surf on work related matters and nominally on personal stuff. The only thing I do on the web that is strictly personal is posting on this blog, checking mail, the occasional football stories and bbc news headlines [I have an RSS feed on my bookmarks toolbar]. So there. I do use the net for some personal stuff. What I took issue most with is the fact that we were told that some of us hadn't done any work for the past 2 days and we should not leave the office today before completing some tasks we had. Was I asleep all that time? Was I surfing? Was I reading the paper? I don't think so. Even if that's all I did the last 2 days, what about the loads of extra hours we've put in in the last 3 months. Do they count for anything? I guess not.
So the thoughts of quitting came flooding back to me. I'm still here though. Why is it that people don't seem to appreciate what we do? Well, why is not a very useful question. I've had this complex all my life of wanting people to like me and thinking people should appreciate me and what I do. What a load of crap.
Given that money is not a real important motivating factor for me as far as jobs go, it's the little things that make it worth while. When that's no longer there, then it becomes a bit miserable. If this is how it is in every company, then I guess I need to start looking for the highest bidder. Perish the thought. Where did I get such crazy ideas like working at a place you like and not necessarily where you get paid the most money. Absolutely insane.
I tend to get up to no good when I'm in the bad, depressed mood I am in. I'll try take it easy this weekend. You guys enjoy yourselves ... and your work.
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