Why I buy women drinks
I must have extolled the virtues of older women sufficiently on this blog already. Another good thing about them is that they can buy their own drinks. They can also buy you a couple, some food, and drop you off home.
However, I have accepted that if I'm to mingle with younger chics, there's a distinct possibility of having to buy them drinks and call them back after they flash me. I do it just so that I can have someone to call when I'm lying in my bed on those lonely nights. For chics who I meet in pubs, I do it for the company. I figure it's a fair trade. It's a good thing I don't drink, cause the damage that this kind of behaviour does to your wallet is amazing. You don't realize how bad the damage is until it's too late.
Another thing. Never feel obligated to buy a chic a drink, just because you started a conversation with her. If she feels hot after you tell her you can't buy her a drink [for whatever reason], forget her and move on to the next chic.
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