Friday, October 14, 2005

Got DAP ver 5.0?

If you want your day to end well, do not install the Download Accelerator 7.5.

It is so annoying, I am just livid. It is UNUSABLE! Then they have done that crackware thing where you can't uninstall the program. Plus there is this whole thing of submitting your e-mail fro an activation code. It pretends to look for an installation log sure as hell it didn't create and aborts the uninstall if it can't "find" it. I had to go to the registry to get it out by the roots.

Then it has these dialog that has baby like text in blue "can't download, please help us to help you", "read step by step instuctions on configuring ....".

If you guys the decent 5.0 version, please zip and send me.



Blogger Samborera said...

Use StarDownloader [The Free version].

Friday, October 14, 2005 5:22:00 PM  

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