Do nothing
I was reading some stuff on risk management the first time I came across this idea. According to the stuff I there are various steps an organisation can take when faced with threats that may lead to loss of their computer systems and the first is to do nothing. When I was in high school it was cumpolsory to go to chapel everyday and the only thing one could do during the service to kill time was read the bible. It was then that I discovered Ecclesiastes and that there is nothing worthwhile under the sun, its all chasing after the wind. I found this to be very liberating. There is nothing to be gained by effort or struggle and whenever a problem arises or is about to arise its perfectly alright to do nothing about it. If one is asked What were you doing? what are you doing? what are you going to be doing? Its perfectly alright to answer nothing. Absolutely nothing is perfect.
The last few years I have not had to many opportunities to do nothing, I have been to busy chasing after the wind i.e. working, going to class, doing exams and pynting.I cannot say I have been happy with the way my life has been going but I have been content. For the last three weeks I have been doing quite a bit of nothing. I have been sleeping a lot and it seems the more I sleep the sleepier I get. I wake up in the morning feeling sleepy, drag myself to the office to do nothing and immediately start dozing, in the evenings I cannot watch a whole football match, I get to sleepy. I hope I am not loosing it like that guy (cant remember his name I am too sleepy) in Secret window hidden garden.
I have been working on some task that was sorely created to keep me busy for the last one week though it should have taken me less than two days. But the task does not matter and its extremely boring so I am not worried about it and no one here can fire me. But I will finish the task today - if I do not take too long a nap - and will have nothing to do kesho. So should I really waste my time waking up, showering, and coming to the office to do nothing? Or should I stay in bed until they find some work for me. That would give a jamaa a few chuckles wouldn't it. Imagine a manager calling me on Thursday, assuming they do not notice the first day am away and asking why I have not been to work and I answer that there is no work for me so am in bed waiting for the 4 o'clock game. Imagine if my boss in Kenya got to know of this? She would throw a tantrum. Ati sending me all the way here, paying me a salary and I am doing nothing. I bet she does not consider doing nothing to be better than doing something.
I am also struggling with the fact that there are a number of things I have been intending to do the last few years but never had the time. There are a few applications that I need to write, there are some things I need to learn and a few books I need to read but I am too busy doing nothing. What concerns me most is that doing nothing is not making me happy. The fact that I am getting paid for doing nothing amuses me especially since nobody can hold me responsible since I am not required to create work for myself. The current situation may end up being a problem, and I will solve this problem with an acceptable solution, do nothing.
The last paragraph resonates with me big time. Having plenty I intend to do, and not doing it because, as you say, I am busy doing nothing. It's time I stopped being busy with nothing and actually do that cross-country ride, or perfect my cooking skills, or read a book a week...
Ajamaa you crack me up. That happened to me when i was on leave. I would wake up at 11 and then zoob then sleep at 2 wake up at 5. Sleep again at 11.
Ecclestiastes should be required reading.
Just hang in there aJamaa. count your little blessings and pray that CT gets you better things to do.
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