Friday, February 17, 2006

A downside to being tall

I almost lost a couple of fingers earlier today. I was standing by a workmates desk, discussing a course of action for some issue we were dealing with. I streched out my hands heavenward, possibly as a reaction to the boredom I was feeling. No sooner had I done this than I heard a 'kluk' sound. For some reason I didn't immediately understand, my hands found their way back to my side. Possibly a natural reaction to the unexpected sound. I looked around to see what was amiss. Nothing. I don't know what prompted me to look at my hands. Probably the pain. That's when it hit me. One of the overhead fans in the office had made an atttempt at chopping off my fingers. It's a good thing that it wasn't at full speed, and the blades weren't sharper, otherwise I'd be contemplating reconstructive surgery. Luckily, all I have to show for this particular incident is an elastoplast on one of my fingers. I think our ceiling must be lower than standard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kwani how tall are you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:27:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

As I said, it's possibly our ceiling, and hence fans, that are too low, rather than my being extraordinarily tall. I'm 6 feet tall. A nice, good average height.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:16:00 PM  

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