Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Insanity is ...

Well. I can't quite put this in a phrase so you'll have to bear with me as I tell you the story.

It's one of my sister's birthday tomorrow so I dashed to Nakumatt during the lunch break to look for a birthday card. I'm not totally sold on the idea of birthday cards, but apparently it means something to some people. Of course I don't give my bro a birthday card. That would be ludicrous.

Anyway. So I get to the card section and gaze at the choices on offer. Some two chics turn the corner and join me in looking at the cards. [Of course chics are an integral part of the story] One of them looks like the bold type. The type that isn't afraid to say anything. The type who you can't stare down. There's eye contact. I'm thinking of something to break the ice. Lucky for me, she's definitely the bold type. She asks me the kind of card I'd like to get. Apparently she's buying for some guy. I point at one of the several in her hand, the one she seems to like. She agrees that it would be a good choice and makes a remark like "if he doesn't like it shauri yake". I ask her to reciprocate, and choose one for me. She pulls out one she says she'd like if it was for her. I take it and ask for her address. I have to keep the conversation going, don't I. I think about asking her for her number but can't quite figure out how to say this in a seamless manner. She heads off to the cashiers. I linger a while longer and conclude that her choice is as good as I'm going to make. I also head to the counter to pay for my purchase. They're still in the queue so I line up behind them. I regurgitate the only thing I can think to say and ask the bold one for her email address, putting on as serious a face as I can muster. The less bold member of the pair points out that I can always get chocolate as an alternative. "Where are the chocolates?". "Just there", she replies. I turn to my left and find myself staring at all sorts of flavours of condoms. I make some remark then she points behind me. I pick a bar of dairy milk from the shelf and add it to my purchases. As they're done buying, the start to kind of walk away as I'm paying. I assure them that the chocolate is indeed for them. The less bold one is in shock. It's not a big deal.

This incident would be perfectly normal, except of a couple of really out of character things.

1. I didn't ask the bold chic for her phone number at the card section.
2. I didn't ask for any of the chics' numbers at the check out counter.
3. I didn't walk up to them after making my purchase and ask for a phone number.

I just waved goodbye and walked away. Astonishing.

Well, I purged my phonebook recently. Again. Just about all chics are gone. I'm now down to about 30 entries. I realised that I was nowhere near rich enough to be calling all these chics all the time, given that they never call me. Getting more numbers for more of the same would not be prudent, and I'd probably end up deleting their number within the week anyway. The fact that I recently quit my job has also strengthened my resolve to resist acquring any new numbers. I'm not sure how long this will last. Given my history, not too long probably.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you say thats insanity. In my mind one should never get the number of every random chik you meet. In my experience you will call the chik a few times, maybe meet her once and delete her number a few weeks later. Why put yourself through all that. I have also found quite enjoyable to chat up some chik knowing very well I am not interested in talking or seeing her again.

Anyway if she is the kind of chik who wont follow the standard call a few times, meet once and then delete, she will ask for your number. And now that is something.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:00:00 PM  
Blogger aJamaa said...

Why do you consider failing to ask for some random chiks number insanity? Dont you see that it saves you the trouble of having to delete the number later. In my experience the most that is going to happen when you get a random chiks number is that you will call her a few times, maybe meet up with her once and then delete her number. Save yourself all this trouble by not getting the number in the first place.

I also find it more refreshing to chat up some chik when I know I am not going to ask for her number or expect to meet her ever again. And when you dont ask for a chiks number, she might just ask for yours and that kind of chik is going to call you at the very least to find out why you didnt ask for her number is.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:07:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

Insanity is buying a chic you bump into at the supermarket some chocolate. Not asking for her number after buying her chocolate is absolutely incomprehensible.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:30:00 PM  
Blogger Bee said...

? I'm genuinely speechless so No Comment!

Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:10:00 PM  

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