Friday, October 07, 2005

My first all nighter

The other day I pulled my first all nighter in the office. We have all worked late, but it was a unique experience for me, leaving the office at 0630 after having reported at 0930 the previous day.

Such has been the nature of work over the past one month or so. High pressure, elusive bugs and ever looming deadlines. One crisis after another.

I've met a number of people who've remarked how it's better to have a job than not. True, but I can't help but think that it's a case of the grass being greener over the septic tank. I've had members of my family ask me to leave my current job, maily because of the stresses of the current development cycle [like 3 months worth]. My eyes have indeed been opened in this period and I've learnt a lot about the working life [Most of it not very nice].

So next time you see me dancing like a man possessed, that's my way of blocking out the numbing pressures and pain that work is dishing out.


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