Thursday, May 18, 2006

No Free Lunch.

For the longest time I have held this unshakeable belief that one of the most dangerous things to do is to live with a woman under the same roof and that woman is not:
your mother
your sister
your 150% platonic friend (* terms and conditions apply) and secondly, you do not have any intention to marry the woman.
Yet many men go right ahead and do it. They enjoy the sex. They appreciate when the flat is clean, orderly and warm. They dorn the excellently pressed clothes and accept the complements from other women with the most natural of ease.
Pose a difficult question, for instance: Hey Kwamboka Sir, how is life with Sally? Are you taking it serious?
He goes blank because most men completely refuse to see past next week as far as affairs and relationships are concerned. They will take life as it comes, get laid on a daily basis, assuming the entire time that she is a stop-gap screw measure before the intended Queen of Sheba descends from heaven for a bride. They hope, stupidly, that an unhappy circumstance will shuffle her along and out of his life.

It is at the crest of the fun that Fate, sadistic and unforgiving, calls for the curtain. The show is then truly and irreversibly over.
I have never known my young friend to smoke. He was lighting up his third cigarette in as many minutes. Jumbled, incoherent sentences come out of his mouth. All he was able to say was "She can't be pregnant. No way!".

Cynic and sometimes male-centric as I am, I could not find it within me to pity this guy. This is something we had argued about. Share a bed with your girlfriend for six months, drink a lot within those six months and you will very likely ***k without a cd. Many times. Women's reproductive cycles can be consistent, but, to the best of my knowledge, never been confirmed to be a sure, precise thing.
The whole setup needs just one reckless mistake and it goes up like fireworks.

So I have been called, in a capacity to offer advice, as well as financial assistance so that the man can make good his escape from his pregnant girlfriend. As for advice, I offered that a long time ago and it was not heeded. Money? The man will just have to face the music.

No free lunch.


Blogger Samborera said...

I thought Kwamboka is a chic's name.

Anyway. The 'no free lunch' principle was very profound for me when I first heard of it during those AI courses. It's a natural law, like gravity and the likes.

And the moral of the story... don't move out.

Friday, May 19, 2006 12:03:00 PM  
Blogger Bee said...

that guy is daft!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:17:00 PM  
Blogger 0.5 said...

It is? Sounds manly. Typed the first replacement name that sprung to mind.

You have to move out at one point or another. But I agree, at least partly. Living alone poses all manner of dangers and temptations.

Friday, May 19, 2006 2:08:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

KG - How is the guy daft. If you lie with a woman long enough, as 0.5 points out, the inevitable will happen.

0.5 - It is a chic's name. I should know. Moving out is like marriage - a necessary evil. I came to realise sometime last year that I'm not a good guy and have nowhere near the amount of self-control you guys have. Ergo, if I moved out, I'd get up to all sorts of things. Not-so-good things. For my own self preservation, I'm postponing this as long as I can.

Friday, May 19, 2006 3:40:00 PM  
Blogger Girl next door said...

I like the title of your post. One of my teachers used to say that all the time and it describes life so well. Your buddy's situation is screwed up, but he took the risk regardless.

@ Samborera,
Are you saying don't move out of your peroz house, ama?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:17:00 PM  
Blogger Samborera said...

Different strokes for different folks, but failure to launch is a growing phenomenon.

People should move out. At some point.

Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:57:00 AM  

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